Spending one whole hour on cardio equipment is not my idea of a date.
Yesterday afternoon my husband and I were texting and making plans for the night.
Him: “You goin to the gym?”
Me: “Yep…You?
Him: “Yep..It’s a date!”
In the Pursuit of Tight Bodiness, I’ve been working on changing my ideas of quality time with my honey. It used to be dinners downtown, taste testing every sorbet in Cold Stone Creamery before we order what we really went in there for, and savoring a cheeseburger and cheese fries from the local Portillo’s. But now, we bond on the bike, swap sweat on the treadmill and end up in a nice horizontal position…on the seated squat machine. We are both pretty athletic and competitive(him more than me) so him challenging me gives me that extra push. I can’t complain because anytime we’re working together is a good time (even without the company of French fries).
To an extent, I guess my connection with food does stem back to my childhood. Life events, big and small, were celebrated over food. My parents, brothers and sister are naturally thin and never really gained much weight during my formative years. Just me.I guess by me being the youngest for so long, they basically gave me whatever I wanted. They probably got a kick out of seeing me chew! I can hear them now, saying “Wow! Look at her go”Lol.. I dunno.
Whatever the case may be, I have a standing “date night” with hubby and L.A. Fitness!
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